Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

M/s Incredible design is responsible for in New Delhi, India. is owned and managed by M/s Incredible design.

At any point, simply use the search function to find more detail.

My Profile

Each profile is by default set to “Public”. In this mode, your profile appears in any website search and will also appear in other sections on the website. Also, Google and other search engines can find your profile. In the Private Mode, any search on the website will not display your profile. Also, it does not appear under “Recent Stories”. It cannot be found by any search engine (Google, etc). Only with your direct URL ( can people visit your profile. Note: If you share the URL via your Card or in a social network, of course, your readers see the URL and could pass it along to others.

Before writing your story consider building it around one theme that your experience. Every story must be classified in at least one category. We understand that your story may not exactly fit a category. Choose one which is closest from the category list anyway. We hope to expand the categories. You are limited to choose one category. 

No. For technical reasons it is currently not possible to link to your own video. However, we are trying to offer a wide variety of videos so you can choose one you most identify with. 

At this moment it is not possible to create groups or join a group. But we plan this function for the next step. 

The first you can share it online by posting your profile on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Of course you can also spread it through a direct link as part of your e-mail signature and on your voicemail answer. There are no limits.

User can follow by searching or by exploring posts. User can see their follower and followings in their profile page, from there user can unfollow the followed user also.

User can go to its profile page to see their liked posts.

Video and photo

Your profile photo must have a minimum size of 500×500 pixels in 1:1 square format. We accept JPG and PNG. 

If possible, use the h.264 codec. The framerate should be 24, 25 or 30 fps. The best resolution is 1280×720 (HD) or 1920×1080 (Full HD) 16:9 format. Have a look for good sound quality and no noise in the background. You can upload the following formats: .mov, .avi, .mpg, .mp4

There is no limit on the length of the video. 

The maximum size of any video is 64 MB.


The text of your story and the video belongs to you as a user. Everyone has the right to share your story. If a story is shared in some form, it must always be specified as to its origin. The stories may not be modified by others. 

If your profile is public, anyone can share your profile. If it is private, however, there is no way to share it automatically. However, someone could copy and forward your direct link to others.